Welcome to Haven

Surya Manivannan
1 min readApr 23, 2022

What if I told you Google would best operate by having a stall on every street where people can walk up and ask questions?

It sounds stupid right? That’s because Google belongs on the internet, not in the real world. But there are some processes that belong in the real world and among them is collecting public opinion.

Think of the tiny chunks of time in your daily routine where you do nothing. Waiting for an elevator, standing in the checkout line of the grocery store, or waiting for your coffee order to be ready.

At Haven, we set up physical poll booths in these tiny chunks of time to ask your opinion on a different question every day.

Our goal is to make people’s day more interesting and understand a group of people while protecting each person’s privacy.

The purpose of this blog is to document Haven’s attempts, learning, and progress in trying to make data collection ethical and as transparent as possible. It’s going to be a slow journey, but we will try making it as interesting as possible 🐼.



Surya Manivannan

On a journey from being an egomaniac to becoming a student