First Direct Customer Feedback Attempt

Surya Manivannan
2 min readMay 5, 2022

Until now, I hesitated to directly talk to our voters because of shyness and fear of embarrassment. We just observed each interaction with our polling booth and assumed what was going through the voter’s head.

Realizing we could be completely wrong and we won’t know the truth until we hear it from our voters, I decided to tuck away the fear and do a focused customer feedback session.

We set up our polling booth in PSG IM Amphitheater where we got feedback from 12 voters. Click here for the link to the voice recordings of the feedback interactions (It’s in Tamil).

With the Desserts vs Appetizers poll, this is what we learned:

  • This is a less annoying way of public opinion. People prefer this to having a person come up and ask for their opinion
  • The polling booth is intuitive to cast their vote and view the result
  • The purpose of the question is to figure out what dish to introduce in the PSG IM Canteen
  • People don’t have a connection with the PePoll’s mission. They only see the booth.
  • Of the people noticing the booth, everybody is fully reading what is on the display

Using this feedback, we’re going to make a poster explaining PePoll’s mission which will be placed alongside our booth. The poster should explain our anonymous data collection mission in order to help local businesses understand their customers.

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Since the questions we asked today were more loosely defined and open ended, we are going to run a focus group tomorrow with college students and ask the following questions:

  1. what do you think this is?
  2. what do you think of this as a survey platform as opposed to survey monkey or google forms?
  3. many corporates invade your privacy to collect your information, how valuable is your privacy to you when sharing information?
  4. do you think the opinion you share on PePoll is being taken seriously or this is another fun/time-pass platform?
  5. do you care about the results of the poll? if so, why? if not, what type of questions would make you interested in knowing what other people think?

We’ll update you guys with the results of this test soon!



Surya Manivannan

On a journey from being an egomaniac to becoming a student